Website Copywriting Services
From your homepage, visitors are judging your message to see if it fits their needs. Have they been given enough information? Does the tone resonate with them? Does your offering sound more appealing than the competitor next door?
Corner Marketing helps you craft the right message to connect with your audience. Our copy is used for SEO optimised websites, engaging LinkedIn posts, clickable emails, thought leadership blogs and media articles, video scripts and more. No matter the channel, we make sure every word reflects your brand identity.
Custom words for your website, emails, social media & more
Our website copywriters are ready to nail your message
We work with small business owners to craft messages that reflect their business strengths, customer needs and competitive advantages. Our copywriting services include:​
Landing pages and website copywriting to drive awareness and conversions.
Blogs relating to products, services and topics relevant to target audiences.
Email copy for newsletters and sales enablement.
Brochure style documents for pitching to prospects and tenders.
Press Releases and news articles for media publications.
Executive profile building content like social media posts and opinion pieces.
& more! ​
What website copywriting services does Corner Marketing provide?​
Why your messaging matters
​Copywriting is communicating. It’s at the heart of Corner Marketing’s services because your key business messages should permeate your online presence. Every channel, every landing page, every advertisement, every post - everywhere.
Without the right messages your business is bland. Run of the mill. An unappealing, unengaging carbon copy of competitors. With the right message, your brand identity can shine. Our professional writers hold your message to the highest standards, whether it’s a blog, a webinar script, a LinkedIn post or an email.
Our messaging Process.
Through in-depth exploratory interviews, we identify the messages that reflect your business strengths, what your customers want, and stand out from competitors.
We then combine this understanding of your business with our audience intelligence tools to create a messaging document.
This will become our source of truth that we use to inform our website copywriting services, social posts, email, advertising and every other digital channel you use.​